Archive for October, 2009

Furchtbare Luck in Poker

October 19th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Für ein Spiel, in dem die meisten Spieler gelegentlich prüfen, viel Glück, dort gibt es tonnenweise Aberglauben im Poker. Wenn Sie sagen, dass ein Spieler in diesem Pokerturnier sie gefangen genommen, hatte das Glück, sein Bewusstsein, wie Sie es nennen. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie erwähnen, dass Sie Pech hatten, können Sie Ihre Chancen ändern sich nie.

Ok, könnte das ein wenig seltsam klingen, aber Poker ist ein Casino-Spiel mit Aberglauben geladen. Wussten Sie, dass wenn Sie ein Spiel mit zwei verschiedenen Decks wetten und Sie sind aufgefordert, dem Deck holen, sollten Sie wählen immer die Karten, dass die am weitesten weg von Ihnen ist? Oder was ist, wenn Sie einen Streifen von schrecklichen Karten, müssen Sie sich auf ein Taschentuch zur Beilegung Ihrer schrecklichen Glück zerstören? Es ist sicherlich der als Glück, durch ein Kartenspiel blasen, während sie vermischen sind ausgedacht.

Ein paar andere faszinierende Poker-Folklore sind:

  • Sie werden in der Lage, den Lauf der Karten, indem Sie um Ihren Stuhl zu ändern 3-mal abgerufen.
  • Die günstigste Stelle am Pokertisch sieht an der Tür.
  • Die unglücklichsten Stuhl hat auf seiner Rückseite einen Kamin.
  • Wenn die Änderung Spots, müssen Sie immer tun nach der Uhr.
  • Die unglücklichsten Poker-Karte ist der vier Clubs.
  • Es ist sehr unglücklich mit den Beinen am Pokertisch sitzen überschritten.
  • Der Sonntag ist ein schrecklicher Tag für Wetten auf Karten.
  • Die dreizehnte ist auch eine schlechte Tage, egal wann sie fällt während der Woche.

Terrible chance au poker

October 19th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Pour un jeu où la plupart des acteurs considèrent parfois la chance, il ya des tonnes de superstitions au poker. Quand vous dites qu'un joueur a eu la chance dans ce tournoi de poker, ils capturés, être conscients de la façon dont vous en parler. Par exemple, si vous mentionnez que vous avez été malchanceux, vos chances mai ne changera jamais.

Ok, ça peut paraître un peu bizarre, mais le poker est un jeu de casino chargé de superstitions. Saviez-vous que si vous êtes un jeu de paris avec deux paquets différents, et vous êtes invité à choisir le pont, vous devriez toujours choisir le jeu de cartes qui est le plus éloigné de vous? Ou encore, que faire si vous obtenez une bande de cartes terrible, vous devez déposer sur un mouchoir de détruire votre chance terrible? Il est certes considéré comme la bonne fortune de faire sauter à travers un jeu de cartes pendant qu'ils se confondre.

Quelques autres folklores poker fascinantes sont les suivants:

  • Vous serez en mesure de modifier la perspective de cartes en faisant le tour de votre chaise 3 fois.
  • L'endroit le plus bénéfique à la table de poker attend à la porte.
  • Les plus malchanceux président a son arrière pour une cheminée.
  • Lorsque des points de modifier, vous devez toujours le faire après l'horloge.
  • Les plus malchanceux de poker est le quatre de trèfle.
  • C'est très malheureux de s'asseoir avec les jambes croisées à la table de poker.
  • Le dimanche est une journée horrible pour miser sur des cartes.
  • La treizième est aussi une mauvaise journée, peu importe quand elle tombe pendant la semaine.

Terribile Luck in Poker

October 19th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Per un gioco dove i giocatori più di tanto in tanto considerare buona fortuna, ci sono tonnellate di superstizioni nel poker. Quando si dice che un giocatore è stato fortunato in questo torneo di poker che hanno bloccato, si ricordino di come si fa menzione. Per esempio, se si menziona che sono stati sfortunati, le vostre probabilità non potrà mai cambiare.

Ok, che potrebbe suonare un po 'strano, ma il poker è un gioco di casino carico di superstizioni. Hai capito che se sei puntate in una partita con due mazzi diversi e ti viene chiesto di scegliere il ponte, si deve sempre scegliere il mazzo di carte che è la più lontana da voi? Oppure, cosa succede se si ottiene una striscia di carta di terribile, si deve risolvere in un hankerchief per distruggere la tua fortuna terribile? E 'certamente il pensiero di come la fortuna di far saltare con un mazzo di carte mentre sono mescolati.

A pochi altri folclori poker affascinanti sono i seguenti:

  • Sarete in grado di alterare l'esecuzione di carte da andare in giro la vostra sedia 3 volte.
  • Il punto più vantaggioso al tavolo da poker guarda la porta.
  • La sedia ha il suo sfortunato posteriore ad un camino.
  • Quando spot modifica, è necessario sempre farlo in seguito l'orologio.
  • La carta più sfortunato poker è il quattro di bastoni.
  • E 'molto sfortunato a sedersi con le gambe incrociate al tavolo da poker.
  • La domenica è una giornata orribile per le scommesse sulle carte.
  • La tredicesima è anche una brutta giornata, non importa quando cade durante la settimana.

Terrible Luck in Poker

October 16th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

For a game where most players occasionally consider good luck, there are tons of superstitions in poker. When you say that a player was fortunate in that poker tournament they captured, be mindful of how you mention it. For instance, if you mention that you were unlucky, your chances may never change.

Ok, that might sound a bit strange, but poker is a casino game loaded with superstitions. Did you realize that if you’re betting a game with two different decks and you’re asked to pick the deck, you should always select the deck of cards that is the furthest away from you? Or, what If you get a streak of terrible cards, you have to settle on a hankerchief to destroy your terrible luck? It is certainly thought of as good fortune to blow through a deck of cards while they’re being mixed up.

A few other fascinating poker folklores are:

  • You will be able to alter the run of cards by going around your chair 3 times.
  • The most beneficial spot at the poker table looks at the door.
  • The unluckiest chair has its rear to a fireplace.
  • When altering spots, you need to constantly do so following the clock.
  • The unluckiest poker card is the four of clubs.
  • It’s very unlucky to sit with your legs crossed at the poker table.
  • Sunday is a horrible day for wagering on cards.
  • The thirteenth is also a bad day, no matter when it falls during the week.

Poker Phrases

October 6th, 2009
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Poker is an acclaimed game that has a fan base of millions and millions of aggressive players everywhere around the world. The game is composed of gamblers examining their personal cards in advance of making a wild guess as to what cards the competing players might have. The different versions of poker games are Hold’em, Seven Card Stud, Omaha Poker, the Hi/Lo version, Five Card Stud, and Five Card Draw. There are poker forums that distribute material about the assorted words deployed in the game. These phrases are highly baffling and usually require a while to master. Still, Understanding these phrases is extremely critical, as players rely them time and time again while gambling in a poker game, it does not matter if they are amateurs or seniors.

The phrase ‘aces up’ applies to a pair of aces and one more pair. ‘Active player’ predominantly refers to a player who is still absolutely taking part in a hand. ‘All blue and all Pink’ means that a player holds a hand made up of all spades, clubs, diamonds, or hearts. ‘Blank card’ means that the card has little importance in the hand. The term, ‘deal’ refers to the action of giving out cards to players or maintaining the cards on the boards. This term pertains to the entire activity from shuffling to dealing of the cards and until the chips has been won, thereby ending that deal.

Other general phrases employed in the game of poker are discard, drawing dead, flop, Fourth Street, kicker, lock up, loose game, and muck. It’s important to refer to a complete list of poker terms when learning to play the game. There are poker sites that are completely devoted to delivering info about routinely used poker words. They maintain a separate part wherein the definitions of these terms are given along with a breakdown of the justifiable time to use these words.

Compete in Poker Matches

October 5th, 2009
[ English ]

Countless players around the world like to play poker games, but it once was difficult to locate a place to play. You either had to dig up a few friends for a friendly Saturday evening game or go to the time and cost of traveling to a brick and mortar casino. Today all of this has changed. With a couple of taps of your mouse you can register free of charge to compete in poker on one of the best web poker rooms. There are always spots open at the tables in a poker room so you can play whenever you want.

When you play poker games at an above average poker room you can select from many different games including the most popular like Omaha High, Omaha/8, Hold’em, Seven Card Stud and others. You can also participate in poker games at the degree you wish regardless if it is high stakes or low stakes. If you enjoy tournaments there are tournaments ones beginning all of the time. There are single table tournaments and multi table tournaments as well as speed and rebuy tournaments.

If you are a novice and want to be taught to play poker games you can get free of charge classes and be taught by the experts. Then you can gamble in complimentary games and apply your techniques, until you’re ready to wager some money at the real money tables. There is at no time any pressure to do anything and all of the decisions are yours. So while your friends are trying to locate enough gamblers for a poker night, you can already be winning cash.

Best Multiplayer Poker Site

October 2nd, 2009
[ English ]

Each and every poker player has a view on what creates the greatest multiplayer poker casino. For a couple, they want a place with virtual table games, where betting actual money is an option. Others are looking for a variety of game options, so they can be the ones deciding just what and how to participate.

You might just be interested in locating the best multiplayer poker site for your own betting choices. You are able to discover many, many poker tables on the net today where free money wagering is available. If you are wanting to really bet with your money, find a site where you can create a player’s account. Then you can decide if you want to compete in and bet on a match or two or if you’d rather take a big chance on a huge tournament. Next you need to determine if small stakes or big stakes are for you. Quite naturally you also need to decide which type of poker game you want to gamble on. There is stud, omaha/8, hold ‘em and many more. The best multiplayer poker room will provide you all these betting and gambling possibilities and so much more.

It could also take a bit of work, but the perfect poker room for you is ready for you. You only have to determine what will make the site perfect.